Small Update

It's been pretty busy around these parts lately.

Andrew has been either flying or working in the office almost all days of the week.  When he does have a moment's time, it's usually not concurrent with my time off.  This has been challenging for both of us, but I'm still thankful for most of our evenings together.

For myself, work has been both extremely busy and extremely slow.  It's certainly a feast or famine.  There had been a bit of a panic when I noticed my income beginning to fall below budget, something that, were it to continue, would mean a hemorrhaging bank account.  Fortunately, and thank God for it, my schedule is beginning to pick up again and I'm happy to say that this month I should be back on track.  Of course, I'll be picking up quite a few weekends to make up for January and February, but that's not so bad since Andrew will also be working most weekends since this is the busy season for him.  I don't mind working mornings, I've found, as long as I have afternoons off.  It's probably the most pleasurable way for me to work as I'm most productive in the morning and more flighty and creative in the afternoon.  I used to think I was a night owl because of this feeling, but I'm quite the morning person as long as I can been finished around 1:00pm with the daily drudgery.  Not the option, exactly, these days, but maybe I'll make an adjustment later to accommodate that schedule.

Everything else has been pretty routine.  My mom and dad visited a few weeks back and we got in a few days of time together and they had a chance to get some sunshine.  I'll have some pictures to upload from that, soon.

Also, just last weekend, Andrew and I had an opportunity to overnight in beautiful Marsh Harbour, Bahamas.  I'll have pictures from that soon, as well.  I can assure you it was paradise.  I'm pretty sure it's my favorite place in the world so far.  I'm trying to find any way possible for us to get back there some time for a few days' vacation.  It was magical.

That's all for now.  As soon as PS is up again, I'll edit my pictures and get them online, along with a little story of our Marsh Harbour trip.




The simple reason for this blog is to maintain connection with family and friends both near and far to bring them all a little closer.